Posted on October 24, 2012 · Posted in Young Operators

Following the very successful launch of the Young Operators branch of the IRO in May, members were hosted by Lord Tony Berkeley at the House of Lords for a presentation and debate on the present and future of rail freight in the UK on the 24th of October 2012.

Lord Berkeley started by outlining the workings of the Houses of Lords and Commons and the legislative process. He then gave his views on Network Rail’s current plans for the freight sector, including the opening of new strategic staging yards across the network as well as plans being developed by Freight Operators. He also shared his extensive knowledge of the freight sector past, including numerous anecdotes.

The presentation was followed by an informed discussion during which Lord Berkeley openly answered questions from some of the 40-or so attendees.

If you were unable to attend, please keep an eye out for similar events organised by the IRO YO in the future.