Posted on July 15, 2016 · Posted in General IRO news, South East

South East Area - Three Peaks 2016 - 2

Over the weekend of 23rd – 25th June three members of the IRO South East Area Council climbed the UK’s three highest mountains in 36 hours. Alex Hellier, Glen Merryman and Martin Ward were joined by IRO member Charles Isitt as one of 39 teams on a tiring yet fulfilling few days to raise money for the Railway Children. The Railway Children is a charity which raises badly needed funds to support homeless children both in the UK & abroad.

Snowdon was conquered in the dark and, with rain on the way back down, they were soon aware of how much of a challenge they were in for! By the time the team came down they had risen from 37th to 2nd place, mainly due to some aggressive overtaking at the start. Scafell Pike started well with the team soon into first place but tiredness and achiness meant that by the top they had dropped down to 4th place. A slower descent led to a 6th place finish before a couple of well-earned pints in the Ratty Arms at Ravenglass.

South East Area - Three Peaks 2016 - 1The team next caught the train to Fort William where the ascent of Ben Nevis was achieved just in time to get a clear view from the top. The team descended a bit more slowly to an overall 8th place finish.

Glen reflected on the challenge “I had taken part in the Three Peaks before but the weather was not good enough to conquer all three. This time the weather was much nicer to us and we were greeted by an amazing view from the top of Ben Nevis”.


The team have raised approximately £3,000 so far but if you would like to help them reach their £3,500 target please click here.