Posted on December 14, 2012 · Posted in South West & Wales

On 28th November 2012, twenty three members of the IRO were split into two groups, to be afforded the rare opportunity of visiting the home of the Royal Train at Wolverton. Following a brief introduction by the Royal Train Officer and South West Council secretary Nick Edward, to the current challenges faced in operating the train on today’s railway the groups were taken by two of the Royal Train on-board team around the special vehicles.

Thanks to nearly sixty years of service on the Royal Train the two guides were able to give a unique insight into the vehicles used. Obviously because of security some parts of the train and any discussion regarding security were off limits to the groups. Following the tour the groups made their way back to the Royal Train Foreman’s office, better known as the Royal Train museum, to see the wide range of artefacts and photographs of the train over the years. Whilst in the office the Royal Train Officer was able to take an impromptu Q & A session. Although only a short visit the feedback has been very positive.